To find the value of a Constant from solution

Concept Explanation

To find the value of a Constant from solution

Following steps can be followed to find the value of the constant term

  • Substitute the value of the variables in the equation.
  • Solve for the constant. 
  • Illustration: Find the value of k when (3,-5) is the solution of the equation 5x-2y+k=11

    Solution: As (-3,-5)is the solution of the linear equation 5x-2y+k=11.Thus it will satisfy this linear equation.

    In order to find the value of constant k we have to substitute the value in the equation.

    After substitution we get

    5(3) - 2(-5) + k = 11

    15 + 10 + k = 11

    25 + k = 11

    k = 11-25 = -14

    Illustration: Find the value of k when (0,-7) is the solution of the equation 10x-4y+3k=25

    Solution: As (0,-7) is the solution of the linear equation 10x-4y+3k=25.Thus it will satisfy this linear equation.

    In order to find the value of constant k we have to substitute the value in the equation.

    After substitution we get

    10left ( 0 right )-4left ( -7right )+3k=25




    divide both sides by 3,we have

    k = -1

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Find the value of k when (-6,40) is the solution of the equation 12x  +  8y  -  2k=24

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

     Find the value of m, if (5,8) is a solution of the equation 11x  -  2 y = 3 m.

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Which of the following numbers represents the valve of p,for which (3,4) is a solution for the linear equation px+4y=22

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
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